
Thank you SitStayRead for joining our Summer Adventure program!

August 19, 2016

The Summer Adventure program was recently featured in the e-newsletter of SitStayRead! The literacy nonprofit uses dogs as a tool to improve reading and foster a love of literature among children in low-income neighborhoods. As part of Rowe Elementary’s community programming, a group of SitStayRead volunteers and their dogs visited the Settlement for Tail Blazers, Little Buddies and Poetry Pals!

Meet Nayeli, Shep and Nancy!



Reading Fun at Summer Adventure!

July 15, 2016

For the first time ever, scholars of the Summer Adventure 2016 are participating in a summer version of 1,2,3 Let’s Read – which is a reading incentive program; for each chapter/book read scholars receive a reading dollar. Scholars are given the opportunity to read for at least 30 minutes daily; in the photos you can see scholars proudly displaying their hard earned reading prizes.


Scholars Getting Creative with Tie Dye

July 11, 2016

Summer Adventure’s Hedgehog group of scholars participating in a fun retro 60’s art project – tie dying t-shirts!



Scholars Relaxing “Under the Sea”!

July 8, 2016

Summer Adventure 2016 scholars relaxing with friends and staff between activities during their special event, “Under the Sea.”



Summer Adventure goes “Under the Sea!”

July 7, 2016

Nico and Marin, volunteers with Summer Adventure 2015 through the Settlement’s Junior AmeriCorps program, participated in a special event, “Under the Sea!” Now that is dedication, thank you both!
